Digital Patmos
About Digital Patmos

About Digital Patmos

Dear Reader

Digital Patmos is the official e-magazine of UWC2101G Writing and Critical Thinking: Apocalyptic Cultures, a freshman expository writing course conducted by the University Scholars Programme at the National University of Singapore. The e-magazine showcases student work submitted for a specific opinion article assignment, in which students select a primary text from popular culture that involves various perspectives of apocalypse. These articles are then curated and further developed by editorial collectives made up of students of the course, and then put together as a special issue of the e-magazine.

Thematically, each issue of the e-magazine reflects the topical interests of the course, which is to examine the ways popular culture intersects with apocalypticism, and to reflect on how different geographical and cultural contexts, as well as different periods of time, affect our understanding of this matter. Particularly, the e-magazine is interested in two strands of thought. First, how do we understand the different conceptions of the apocalypse by critically analyzing these aspects of popular culture? Second, what does the apocalyptic framing of these texts tell us about the context in which they are produced? What do they tell us about class, gender, society, politics, and other aspects of our social and cultural existence?

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