Apocalypse in the Modern Era
“Every so often players would have the illusion
that the game world exists as a continuation of
their current reality”
- Yin Wu, The Style of Video Games Graphics:
Analyzing the Functions of Visual Styles in Storytelling
and Gameplay in Video Games
Apocalypse in the Modern Era
It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity
- Albert Einstein
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Beauty of Misery: Behind the Success of Apocalyptic-Themed Games
Think of the word ‘apocalypse’, and we tend conjure up thoughts of death, destruction, and the end of the world. A seemingly rational reaction would be to avoid it – after all, the fear of death is common amongst us – yet the post-apocalyptic style is a popular genre in video gaming.
What do we enjoy about post-apocalyptic video games, and why do we love simulated misery?
Why I, Robot is a persuasive film for the imagining of the A.I. Apocalypse
In a dystopian future that awaits us in 2035, Detective Spooner enlists the help of robopsychologist Calvin and NS-5 robot, Sonny, to save humanity from an A.I. takeover. This article explores why I, Robot is a persuasive imagining of the A.I. apocalyptic and why we love the film the way we do.
WALL-E: More Than A Robot Animation
Pixar film WALL-E is set in a post-apocalyptic era where the earth is desolate and mankind live aboard giant starliners, known as the Axiom, while technological innovations such as the titular Wall-E attempt to clean up and restore the planet to habitable conditions. EVE robots are periodically sent back to Earth to search for signs of the earth’s recovery in the form of a living plant, which may be used to activate the ship’s hyperjump back to Earth for mankind to reinhabit the planet. The prominence of technology and more specifically, robots, is depicted through the overreliance of humans aboard the Axiom on these technologies, even for simple tasks such as communication and locomotion. It is worth pondering, will we one day trade our autonomy for automation?
Representations of Science and Technology in Viral Apocalypses
Science and technology is of particular in viral apocalypses as round the clock research and testing is necessary to identify, understand and stop the pandemic. With scientific research and discovery being such a critical aspect of viral apocalypses, a question arises – as mankind has increasingly advanced his proficiency in science and technology, how have these developments played out in such apocalypse texts?
Credits and Acknowledgements
We would like to thank our prof, Dr Yew Kong Leong, for helping us to get through this apocalypse that is WCT.
We survived the apocalypse!!!